​Brewing with Flaked Maize: It's Not as Corny as You Think

​Brewing with Flaked Maize: It's Not as Corny as You Think

Posted by Matteo Lahm on 10th Feb 2024

Let’s embark on a journey into the magical world of Flaked Maize. You might be wondering, "What the heck is Flaked Maize, and why should I care?" Well, strap in, because we're about to take a deep dive into the world of this versatile ingredient, and trust me, it's going to be a-maize-ing!

Flaked Maize, also known as Yellow Corn Flakes, is a go-to adjunct of many a brewmaster. This pre-gelatinized maize is a godsend for brewers as it's been processed to break down the starches, making it easier for you to use in your brewing process.

Now, let's talk about the beers that benefit from Flaked Maize. If you're a fan of lighter, more refreshing brews, then you're in luck. Flaked Maize is commonly used in various types of beers, typically making up only 10% of the total grains used. But oh boy, does it make a difference! It's like that pinch of salt in your grandma's secret cookie recipe – it’s not in the foreground of the flavor profile, but just a little bit takes it from good to great.

Flaked Maize imparts a subtle corn taste to your beer, giving it a unique flavor profile. And the best part? It does this without altering the color, body, or malt flavors of your brew. It's like a stealthy flavor ninja, sneaking in and adding a kick of taste without anyone noticing.

But the benefits don't stop there. Flaked Maize also helps you achieve a drier, more crisp beer. It's like a refreshing sea breeze on a hot summer day – it just makes everything better. And who doesn't love a beer that's as crisp as freshly laundered sheets?

As for how you use it, it's as easy as pie, or in this case, as easy as brewing beer. Simply add the Flaked Maize directly to the mash with the malts. No need to mill it, and you can use a single or multiple temperature infusion. A single temperature infusion is the simplest mash method where you mix your grains with hot water and maintain a steady temperature. It's like slow cooking your grandma's stew - simple, yet effective.

On the other hand, a multiple temperature infusion involves gradually increasing the temperature at different stages of the mash process. It's like a high-intensity interval workout for your beer, pushing it to its limits to extract maximum flavor and sugars. Choosing between the two depends on the complexity of the flavor you're after. It's like deciding between watching a sitcom or a drama series - both are great, it just depends on your mood.

And don't worry about the conversion time and lautering time – they'll be as normal as a family dinner without any drama. And if you're feeling adventurous, Flaked Maize can be used up to 40% as a cereal adjunct in the total grist. That's a pretty significant amount, and it can have a big impact on the flavor and characteristics of your beer. It's like adding a dash of flamboyance to a dull outfit - it can really make it pop! While that sounds great, keep in mind that it has a higher percentage of fermentable sugar. You need to account for that when determining your proportions, so your ABV doesn’t turn into a runaway horse in Time Square on New Year’s Eve.

But with great power comes responsibility. Just because you can use up to 40% doesn't mean you always should. It's like adding hot sauce to your meal - a little can enhance the flavor, but too much can set your mouth on fire. You need to consider the type of beer you're making, the flavor profile you're aiming for, and the balance of ingredients.

In conclusion, Flaked Maize is a valuable addition to your brewing ingredients. It's like the Swiss army knife of brewing – versatile, reliable, and always there when you need it. So why not give it a try? Your beer (and your taste buds) will thank you.

Remember, Flaked Maize should be stored in a dry area at temperatures of less than 90 F. So, handle with care to avoid breaking the flakes, and you'll be on your way to brewing bliss.

Just for a little reference, here is a list of ten commercial beers that use Flaked Maize in the mash.

1. Coors Banquet - This classic American lager is known for its use of corn in the recipe, giving it a light, crisp flavor.

2. Budweiser - The King of Beers uses a mix of barley malts, rice, and Flaked Maize to create its distinctive taste.

3. Pabst Blue Ribbon - This iconic American lager uses corn as part of its grain bill, contributing to its light body and clean finish.

4. Miller High Life - Known as the "Champagne of Beers," Miller High Life uses corn to achieve its light, bubbly character.

5. Corona Extra - This popular Mexican lager uses corn in its recipe, giving it a light, refreshing taste that's perfect for a hot day.

6. Pacifico Clara - Another popular Mexican lager, Pacifico Clara uses corn to create its smooth, crisp flavor profile.

7. Narragansett Lager - This traditional American lager uses corn to achieve its light, crisp character.

8. Schlitz - Known as "The beer that made Milwaukee famous," Schlitz uses corn as part of its grain bill.

9. Modelo Especial - This Mexican pilsner-style lager uses corn in its recipe, contributing to its light, crisp taste.

10. Labatt Blue - This Canadian pilsner uses corn in its recipe, giving it a light, refreshing flavor that's perfect for a hot day.

So, there you have it, folks. The lowdown on Flaked Maize. Now go forth, brew, and may your beers be as crisp and refreshing as a mountain stream. Cheers!

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