A Little Headspace: Understanding Your Wine's Needs

A Little Headspace: Understanding Your Wine's Needs

Posted by Matteo Lahm on 19th Nov 2023

Today, we're going to delve into the somewhat misunderstood concept of headspace in the fermentation process. Just like we get into different moods and go through different phases of life, so does our wine. Like us, it has different strengths, and weaknesses at different stages of its journey to becoming a fine wine. Like us, its needs change over time.

Let's kick things off with primary fermentation. This is youth and like your average teenager, it needs to flex its muscles. Imagine your grape juice, bubbling away in its vessel, full of potential. You need to leave some room for it to breathe. Why, you ask? Well, during primary fermentation, the yeast gets busy, producing carbon dioxide, which causes the batch to foam and expand. It is a restlessness equivalent to puberty. If you don't leave enough space, you're looking at a potential grape juice explosion, like a rebellious kid acting out. Trust me, trying to control that is impossible and cleaning it up is no picnic.

Moving on to secondary fermentation. Now you are into early middle age. You might be thinking, “that didn’t last long.” Youth never does. The wine is still tough but not as vital, or as volatile as its teenage former self. Once you've transferred your wine to a carboy, it might still be fermenting but not like an adolescent full of hormones, and that's perfectly normal. At this stage, it's okay if the carboy isn't filled to the brim. You can fill it just up to the shoulder of the vessel. As long as you keep it sealed, the carbon dioxide produced will shield your wine from any unwanted oxygen. So, there's no need to fret about a bit of headspace.

When fermentation is finally complete, your wine is now nearing late middle age. It needs protection from the elements. It grows more geriatric, fragile, and insular. It is no longer in that expansive phase indicative of youth. Not only is it time to revisit that headspace, it also no longer wants any. Once your airlock stops bubbling, your wine has finished its fermentation journey, and it's important to fill the vessel up to the bottleneck. This minimizes the contact between the wine and the air, reducing the risk of oxidation. So, don't hesitate to top it up. Your wine will appreciate it, like a blanket for someone who is a little arthritic in winter. Too much headspace at this point is like a midlife crisis gone wrong.

You do not need to fear oxidation as long as you stick to these guidelines. Take a breather and relax. You might be wondering; “can't I just fill up the vessel right from the start?" Well, my inquisitive winemaker, the answer is no. During fermentation, the yeast not only needs space to expand, it needs oxygen in the initial part of the process to work its magic, about 8-16 ppm of O2 to be exact. By leaving some headspace in the initial throws of fermentation, you're providing the yeast with the oxygen it needs to thrive, just like kids need to have room to express themselves. It's all about striking the right balance between enough headspace and not too much. Your wine has different needs at different points of its life cycle, just like people.

In conclusion, my fellow home winemakers, mastering headspace is a key part of a successful fermentation process, just like allowing people to grow, and mature. From primary to secondary fermentation, and finally to the completion of the process, remember these guidelines. Leave some empty space during youthful primary fermentation. Young people need space. Secondary fermentation is time to open a mutual fund and start saving your money. Fill up at least to the shoulder and begin planning for the future. At the end of secondary, your wine is a grown up and needs to act like one. Top it up to the bottleneck once fermentation is complete and be careful snowboarding.

Remember, a little headspace is nothing to worry about, as long as it is given at the appropriate time. Cheers!

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