BBB - EZ - Blue Moon EZ Clone
Brand : Brown Box Beer
- SKU:
- BBB - EZ - Blue Moon EZ Clone
- UPC:
- 619165407373
- Shipping:
- Calculated at Checkout
Your Brown Box Beer Kit stands out from all the rest. Your ingredients are packed fresh. Your BBB kit does not sit on a shelf and true to its name, you don't pay for a flashy box. It's all about providing you with the freshest ingredients for you to make your best beer.
Your BBB - Blue Moon EZ Clone is a light all-extract beer ingredient kit that will give you everything you'd expect from a Blue Moon Clone. Flavored with orange peel this beer is a breath of fresh air on a warm day.
- Beer Style: Light ale
- Recipe Type: Extract
- Yield: 5 US gallons
- 1 - Wheat Liquid Malt Extract 3.3 lb Canister
- 1 - Pale Ale Dry Malt Extract 3 lb
- 1 - Amber Dry Malt Extract 1lb
- 1 - Maltodextrin 8 oz
- 1 - Spice pack containing; (Boil 5 min)
- .5 oz - Sweet Orange Peel
- .5 oz - Bitter Orange Peel
- .25 oz - Coriander Seed
- 1 - SafAle S-04 Dry Ale Yeast Packet
- 1 - German Hallertau Blanc Hop Pellets 1 oz (30 minute boil)
- 1 - Muslin Hop Boiling Bag
- 1 - Priming Sugar 5 oz
- Bring 2 gallons of water to a rolling boil.
- Once at rolling boil, remove the pot from heat source, stir in all malt extracts and Maltodextrin.
- Stir until completely dissolved.
- To prevent scorching be careful that it does not collect on the bottom of the pot.
- When malt extract has dissolved, return the liquid to a boil.
- When at rolling boil start timer for 60 mins.
- After 30 minutes, introduce hops utilizing the muslin bag.
- Boil for 30 minutes stirring often.
- Add Irish Moss (not included) in last 15 minutes of boil straight into wort.
- Introduce the spice packet into the muslin bag for the last 5 minutes of the 60 minute boil.
- Remove hop bag and contents.
- Remove from heat, allow to rest for 5 minutes.
- Add 2 gallons of cool water to a sterilized fermenter. Chill to 68-70 degrees F. (If using a glass primary fermenter allow mixture to cool to prevent the glass from shattering.)
- Add your boiled mixture (Wort) to the fermenter and top off with more water to equal 5 gallons.
- Cover and allow to stabilize at 68-72°F (21-24°C).
- When the wort temperature has stabilized, sanitize your yeast package and add (pitch) the yeast.
- Seal fermenter utilizing an airlock.
- Allow 2-3 weeks to ferment and proceed to bottling or rack into a secondary fermenter to clarify further and wait 2-3 weeks before proceeding to bottle.
- Add the priming sugar to the bottling bucket and ensure it is evenly mixed. Bottle and cap beer and store in a dark place at 65-72 F for 2 weeks before consuming.
- Enjoy
Ferment as usual at 65-72°F (18.3-23.9°C)
If you are making a beer kit for the first time, an equipment kit is a great and low-stress way to get all the equipment you need to make your BBB - Blue Moon EZ Clone.
This Brewer's Best Equipment Kit is top of the line and comes complete for a beginner brewer.
- Equipment kit includes:
- 6.5 Gallon "Ale Pail" Primary Fermenter with Grommeted Lid
- 6.5 Gallon "Ale Pail" Bottling Bucket with Spigot
- Easy Clean No-Rinse Cleanser
- Auto-Siphon
- 5 Gallon Glass Carboy
- Plastic Paddle
- Carboy Brush
- Hydrometer
- Liquid Crystal Thermometer
- Bottle Brush
- Black Beauty Capper
- Econolock
- Drilled Bung
- Lab Thermometer
- Bottle Filler
- Siphon Hose with Shut-off Clamp
- IO-Star
- 20 qt. Brew Pot
- Equipment Instructions
Good sanitation practices are absolutely fundamental to good beer making. Five Star San is the premier sanitizer you will need to make your BBB - Blue Moon EZ Clone beer kit. A great practice for extra protection is to have a spray bottle filled with sanitizing solution so you can re-sanitize everything that touches or goes near your beer. Sanitation is much more difficult with beer than wine because beer has a higher pH. Wine's high acidity makes bacterial infection less likely but with beer, one small mishap can cost you your batch.
When your BBB - Blue Moon EZ Clone is done, you will need bottles. This standard 12 ounce bottle is a good choice. You will need 54 for a 5 gallon batch. Bottles do not come with caps.
The 5 gallon carboy pictured here is the standard size for any beer kit. If you have never worked with a carboy, it is important to know they should not be moved full without a carboy handle or a carrier.
The pot pictured is an 8 gallon pot that is perfect for any beer kit or a standard 5 gallon batch.
Wort Chillers and Thermometers
Wort Chillers and Thermometers are long term investments. It is important to chill your BBB - Blue Moon EZ Clone wort quickly. The quicker you chill it the stronger the cold break will be. You also need a good thermometer that reads fast temperature fluctuations.
Auto-siphons are a great luxury item to have in your brew equipment. Once you have one you will never go without it again. Don't forget to use a heavy duty sanitizer to clean it since you don't want to replace it as often as hoses. A good sanitizer for that job is Five Star San.
The fermenter pictured here is standard for a 5 gallon beer kit.
Many people reuse their hoses for far too long. Replacing your hoses often or even using as single use items is highly recommended with beer making. Hoses are very hard to clean and beer is very susceptible to bacterial infection. You do not want to risk losing your BBB - Blue Moon EZ Clone over a few feet of unsanitary hose.
Pouring your wort into a carboy can be tricky. Use a big funnel made just for the job. They even have different mesh screens to remove particles.
It is recommended to replace airlocks often. Because they never physically touch the beer, the sanitation risk is too often overlooked. Bacteria can spread without physical contact in a closed environment and plastic stubbornly harbors bacteria.
Bungs and stoppers should also be periodically replaced. They can dry out and harbor bacteria.
Keeping your carboy clean before and after use is key to avoid bacterial infection in your beer. A carboy brush is a great tool to get into those nooks and crannies.
Stainless Steel Carboy and Bottle Washer
Stainless Steel Carboy and Bottle Washer is a convenient way of cleaning your bottles and/or carboys. This high quality tool will come in handy. Hooks up straight to your faucet with the bottle washer adapter (#4804) and puts out plenty of pressure to clean those stubborn stains from beer bottles that have been sitting around.
When you bottle your BBB - Blue Moon EZ Clone, you will need to cap your bottles. This capper is inexpensive, easy to use and does not require attaching to a counter. It has a magnet to hold the cap in place.
The 18th century Industrial Revolution heralded the innovations of the thermometer and hydrometer.